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Client Spotlight 

Confidence to Burn

" I've lost 44 pounds with little to no restriction of the foods I love"

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Name:  Kerri O'Shea 
Job: Manager 

Hello! If you're reading this my name is Kerri and I'd like to tell you how Deirdre has helped me grow a healthy relationship with food and given me a new lease of life.

At the beginning of 2021 after gaining the covid stones I decided it was time to cop onto myself. I was the heaviest I've ever been, my clothes didn't fit anymore, my confidence was low, and I was completely miserable. My weight gain took a massive toll on my mental health and the way I viewed my life. 

I lost just over a stone by May but in a matter of weeks I had gained most of it back again leaving me back at square one. I was being so restrictive with my food that it was causing me to have massive binges and I was stuck in a rut and needed to shake up my routine and eating habits. 

I have always struggled with my weight, and I just knew I needed some guidance. In July I approached Deirdre and asked her if she could help me with a nutrition plan. If I'm honest I remember being very anxious sending a DM to Dee on Instagram but of course she put my mind at ease with the kindest, most motivating reply and reassured me she would help me change the way I viewed food and exercise. Looking back on it I feel silly for being nervous as I know I'm not the first and I won't be the last to feel this way. I am so proud for taking that step outside my comfort zone.

I've lost 44 pounds in such a healthy way with little to no restrictions on my foods.

I really look forward to my check ins with Deirdre every week to see how my body has changed and to see what we can do to improve and help prevent a plateau in my losses. Deirdre really does go above and beyond for me, being available whenever I need a bit of advice or help. Deirdre puts in 110% into all her clients and it really does show in everyone's results. Not only have I gained confidence in myself, my relationship with food and my relationship with exercise, but I've also gained a fabulous friend and my number one motivator and supporter. 

Success Story 

Name:  Anonymous 

If your reading this then I presume your looking to make some lifestyle changes. I honestly could not recommend Deirdre enough. She provides a top class service, one I’ve never received before. She is at the end of the phone 24/7 literally and is always on hand to answer any questions regardless of how silly you might think your question is. 

When I started with Deirdre I had already lost a lot of weight and had experience working out but I wasn’t happy with where I was at. I felt I was going around in circles and never getting to where I wanted to be. Deirdre taught me the importance of proper nutrition and eating enough food to fuel my training sessions. I couldn’t believe the amount food I could eat and still lose weight.


Deirdre always adapts food plans to suit your lifestyle, budget, likes and dislikes. I couldn’t believe that I could eat such normal food. It was great! Deirdre is constantly changing and adapting my food plan so I don’t get sick of the foods and keeps it interesting.

My energy levels soared when I started eating more and my training is constantly improving. My weight and measurements are going down weekly and I can actually see a difference in my progress pictures each week. I’m excited to continue pushing my body further than I ever have and I know I’ll be able to do this with Deirdre! The changes I’ve seen in my body are phenomenal! 

Deirdre will always push you to your limits and make sure your always reaching your potential something I found I was lacking in my training up until now. If your deciding if you should take the next step and contact Deirdre then honestly take this as your sign and send that message! I’m with Deirdre over a year now and I haven’t looked back! Not only is she my PT but she’s also a friend for life, always going the extra mile!

Katie's Transformation

Name:  Katie O Sullivan 
Job: Carer

Katie came to me after covid after gaining near 2 stone.

She began personal training sessions 2 days per week. After just 2 weeks, Katie had only lost a few pounds om the scale but had lost 30cm in measurements.

This was down to Katie making small changes in her diet, prioritising protein and eating enough food to fuel her body for her workouts.

Katie increased her daily activities outside the gym including walking and cycling when she could.

Massive results from Katie by making small changes to her daily life that were sustainable and realistic.

Congrats Katie x

Justyna's Transformation

Name:  Justyna Klimas
Job: Childcare Manager

Justyna began her journey with me after having been going to classes and the gym, but she couldn't get her food right. She wanted to improve her knowledge of what to eat to aid her work in the gym.

After going through her food in detail we made a small few changes to her current food intake and after a short few week's the results came fast for Justyna because she worked hard on her food and getting her workouts.

Amazing results from hard work and dedication.

Congrats Justyna x

Mazza's Transformation

Name: Mazza O'Shea
Job: Health worker

Mazza begin her fat loss program with me, while already training doing group classes she wanted to make the most of her training and better her understanding of food.

During the space of her 12 week program, she understanded her needs to prioritise her sleep and recovery as she was working long hours, working out 5 days per week without adequate recovery.

We never restricted food and was actually the opposite, we soon realised Mazza wasn't eating enough nutritious food and too little protein for repair.

After 12 weeks, Mazza dropped a massive 42 centimetres and 4 kg in weight.

Congrats Mazza xx

Grace's Transformation

Name: Grace Healy
Job: Teacher

It was a very easy plan to follow, and the app was absolutely brilliant. Dee goes through your life with a fine-tooth comb and your plan is catered for you.


She spent a week studying my form and planning for my 8 weeks it's so important to be honest with her for the plan to work. 

Deirdre is always on hand to give advice and support and is constantly monitoring and changing things, so they suit you.


The work outs are absolutely brilliant if you want fast sustainable results, I highly recommend her, especially for women as she has a real understanding of women's needs. 

Jackie's Transformation

Name: Jackie Heneghan
Job: Office worker

I contacted Deirdre through a recommendation from a friend that had gotten amazing results. I wanted to understand calories and food better as I was already attending exercise classes.


I found her set up on app and sheets of food for me excellent. I loved Everything about her coaching, the feedback weekly I found kept me motivated. I was able to continue my treats at weekend and still see progress every week.

I will be back I hope before Christmas, I have been keeping my calories ongoing and no need to use fitness pal I can guess the portion sizes which is a massive step for me as I always struggled with portion sizes.


keep up the excellent work Jackie x

Maeve's Transformation

Name: Maeve O'Donnell
Job: Childcare 

I contacted Deirdre through a recommendation from a friend that had gotten amazing results. I wanted to understand calories and food better as I was already attending exercise classes.


I found her set up on app and sheets of food for me excellent. I loved Everything about her coaching, the feedback weekly I found kept me motivated. I was able to continue my treats at weekend and still see progress every week.

I will be back I hope before Christmas, I have been keeping my calories ongoing and no need to use fitness pal I can guess the portion sizes which is a massive step for me as I always struggled with portion sizes.


keep up the excellent work Jackie x

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