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Tips on your weekly shopping trip!!

Your Weekly shopping tips !!

Tips to help with your weekly shop And to save money too

I hope you are all keeping well. Let's talk the dreaded weekly shop. I don’t know about you, but the weekly shop sends me into overdrive. What to buy, the length of time it takes to do it, and come home and put it all away.Before I started to really plan my shop, I used to just head to the shop and randomly buy a load of stuff, half of which ended up in the bin by the following week and having spent over €120 I always found I had nothing come Friday and ended up getting a takeaway because it was the easier option. Here are some tips and tricks I have started to use to save lots of money and time.

PLAN YOUR MEALS - Before you even think about leaving the house you need to plan your meals for the week. Get a notepad and write out your breakfasts, lunch and dinner for the next 5 to 7 days. This will be the most important one of all. If you don’t know what you're going to eat, then you will end up buying random foods that will not complement each other.

MAKE A LIST - And check it twice 😂😂. Have four headingsProtein - Meats, fish, yogurts, milk, cheese, mixed beans, etcCarbs - Breads, pasta, rice, potatoes, cereals, etcFats - Oils, sauces, avocadoes, nuts, oily fish, etcSnacks - protein bars, chocolate, etcAnd then all your essentials like nappies (if you have kids) washing up powder etc.This is going to make the whole shopping trip ALOT easier, trust me. Because i without a doubt end up forgetting something 🤣😒

EAT BEFORE YOU GO - Yes, you probably heard this one before, but this is a massive one. Research has shown that if you go grocery shopping hungry you will end upspending more moneyMaking bad food choicesNow it doesn’t have to be a 3-course meal but making sure you are not going on an empty stomach.Some nuts or dried fruit would be perfect as they will keep you full for the trip.

GO ON YOUR OWN - This may be hard to do if you have kids but going on your own will make it a lot easier and quicker. We know how hard is to watch the kids while we try to get the shopping done. This might not be an option for you and that’s ok too.I hope you have found these few tips helpful. Its all about trying to make our lives as easier as possible and if these tips help you any bit that’s a win.

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