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About Deirdre Mcmahon

DMC Fitness

A little bit about me

My Name is Deirdre Mcmahon, 

Owner and founder of " DMC Fitness"

Always having a passion for fitness, I began my career following my studies in 2017. I jumped straight in the fitness environment teaching fitness classes and personal training sessions, working with frustrated women looking to regain confidence, rebuild strength and live a overall healthier life.

As a coach, my main aim is to provide Women with the Guidance, Support and Knowledge to live a happier, Healthier and Confident life. Together we will work on building long term sustainable habits, a life free from restriction and guilt. Finding balance between a healthy lifestyle and food you enjoy, along with managing sleep and stress.

My Experience

I was sporty growing up - played every sport I could and spent my younger years training every day. It wasn't until I had my first child Callum and decided I would join the gym wanting to lose weight, that I fell in love with strength training. It was one of the first times I'd ever felt competent as a person, and I loved that I was up against myself and not someone else. For the next few years, I spent most of my free time either in the gym or reading about nutrition and fitness.

In 2016, I decided to take the plunge and get trained in it properly. I completed my gum instructor and personal training courses. Following my completion of these to jumped straight into the fitness industry, working with my sister in Achieve Fitness teaching CrossFit classes and personal training sessions, helping women become happier, healthier and stronger. 

Fast forward to 2020 and I launched DMC Fitness to try and give other people a little bit of what I got. I'm a parent to Callum and Mollie-Anne. Becoming a mom has given me a new perspective on fitness and nutrition. I'm grateful to now understand how tough it can be to fit family, career, friends and your own health into life. I'm not the kind of trainer who will enforce strict rules on you around exercise and food. I'll encourage you to include whatever kind of food you enjoy and move in whatever way you like. I'm a firm believer in us working together as a team and will aim to coach you with that in mind at all times.

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